Who we are

Staying true to our values

Family shareholder based - Multi-generational perspective

  • Entrepreneurial spirit with permanent capital
  • A responsible and meaningful growth to nurture great companies
  • Agile decision process with the support of a stable controlling shareholder

Strong business heritage - Resilience through the economic cycles

  • Applying decades of accumulated corporate and managerial experience to new challenges and situations
  • Welcoming new industries and ways of working without compromising on our values or fundamental principles
  • Maintaining a strong balance sheet and financial flexibility

An investor committed to the long term

  • Attentive to long-term trends driving the economy and society
  • Focused on attractive industries and sectors with potential to grow steadily over time
  • Willing to remain invested as and where we see value
  • Prioritizing the long-term view when it comes to decisions in support of the portfolio companies

How we create value

Identifying investment opportunities, managing the portfolio and exerting influence

Identifying sector-leading global companies displaying growth and resilience as well as top-notch alternative assets

  • Leveraging our unique network and sourcing capabilities to identify quality investment opportunities
  • Partnering with sector leaders with the potential to capitalize on growth trends and participate actively in sector consolidation
  • Focusing on global companies headquartered in Europe and that benefit from our extensive network and on alternative funds managed by top-notch firms and direct private equity co-investments
  • Being a cornerstone investor with a seat on the Board of Directors for listed and private companies
  • Exercising a dynamic capital allocation strategy

An influential voice on the Boards of companies in which we invest

  • Providing valuable industry and sector knowledge and experience
  • Acting as a constructive partner, demanding yet supportive with management
  • Bringing insight backed by strong analytics and independence of judgment
  • Focusing on key business decisions in the areas of CEO selection and remuneration, economic and business strategy and capital allocation

Working for the common good

  • Striving to balance the need for returns with the wider needs of society and the planet
  • Focusing on companies and sectors at the forefront of social, economic and environmental progress
  • Leveraging influence to promote the best ESG practices across our portfolio

How we create wealth

Preserving and growing wealth

Seeking to achieve consistently increasing portfolio value

  • Growing net asset value steadily and consistently through the cycle
  • Ensuring a consistent capital allocation with that objective
  • Underpinning the portfolio value with a disciplined, focused, methodical process

Delivering attractive return to shareholders through capital appreciation, dividend yield, and share buybacks and cancellations

  • Focusing on companies that can deliver meaningful and sustained growth
  • Investing where returns are good without need for leverage

Benchmarking performance against the reference index and ESG metrics

  • Outperforming the STOXX Europe 50 in Total Shareholder Return over the long term
  • Integrating ESG fully into our investment process
  • Anticipating new developments in performance and sustainability measurement