

Living up to our responsibilities

In a world where business is often seen as short-term, financially driven and disconnected from the concerns of society at large, GBL’s values have never been more relevant.

When some are questioning the role of business and its impact on the planet, it is important to restate the centrality of wealth creation to our progress and our wellbeing.

This is why, now more than ever, we are focused on what impact we can have on the world, and how as an organisation with influence, GBL is doing its part to create a more meaningful future.


The value of a multigenerational perspective

GBL’s family heritage gives it a unique perspective. Our time horizons are multigenerational. More than an investor, GBL is an owner and steward of companies, deeply embedded in the fabric of the countries and societies in which it operates, proud to be associated with strong companies and contribute in a meaningful way to their success.

We have a clear duty to ensure that the benefits of that rich heritage of knowledge, knowhow and experience are passed on to the next generation of business leaders taking their rightful place at the top of the great companies of tomorrow.


An engaged investor

GBL believes that nurturing companies for the long term is a source of profitability. This is a conservative belief by nature. Conservative in the original sense of the term, in that its primary goal is to preserve and grow capital, investing for the long term but also ready to adapt when structural changes require it.

The depth and longevity of its relationships with the economic environment are what enable GBL to be a valuable contributor to the challenges companies are taking on. GBL is an informed voice at the table, showing respect, but also opening new perspectives where needed to make the changes that will propel them successfully into the next stage of their development.

Finding a better balance

We recognize the importance of finding the right balance between our need to seek financial returns, with the imperative to preserve the integrity of our planet and the health of the people and society. GBL is committed to striking this balance and delivering meaningful growth.